

Target Audience


Presentations on Leadership, Strategy , Communication

Whom ?

CEOs, Leaders, Senior Executives

Why ?

New Insights to reflect, view and share and train your team
Why did Lord Krishna  not fight the war
Why did Lord Krishna not fight the war

Leaders face this inevitable question, ‘How do I lead my team?’ This question can be answered by drawing an analogy between your l...

Comments 19924 . 249.00
Are you a Follower of Rama or Krishna ?
Are you a Follower of Rama or Krishna ?

In situations that need decision making & are vital for our future would you be like Lord Rama or Lord Krishna? Rama fo...

Comments 9768 . 149.00
Management Lessons from our Mythology Characters
Management Lessons from our Mythology Characters

Mythology characters /stories are a powerful learning tool as they are easily identified and understood. The diverse and var...

Comments9093 . 149.00

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