

Target Audience


Tips and Insights for Professional & Career Development

Whom ?

Managers, Corporate Executives,Professionals

Why ?

Career growth,Self Development
Managing Peoples Growth Rather than Managing them
Managing Peoples Growth Rather than Managing them

Create the right environment & support the growth of your team so that it will be led by the right emotions to achieve goals &...

Comments 11249 . 49.00
Life Cycle of a CEO-Great Story
Life Cycle of a CEO-Great Story

Journey of a Successful CEO-a Great Story...

Comments 11846 . 27.00
Are You A Super Boss?
Are You A Super Boss?

Bosses get prefixed with the word ‘super’ owing to the impact they create on people & organisations....

Comments13659 . 149.00
Employee Mindset v/s Ownership Mindset
Employee Mindset v/s Ownership Mindset

But how is this transformation possible?...

Comments 8697 . 149.00

Communicating with Different Voices
Communicating with Different Voices

Let’s try to identify different voices & learn how to communicate with them?...

Comments 13235 . 0.00
Missed your Target this month -It is OK
Missed your Target this month -It is OK

Setbacks are a rule of life; an integral part you cannot avoid. Face them with self-empathy & courage....

Comments 11400 . 125.00
Learn the power of questioning to create value
Learn the power of questioning to create value

Asking questions plays an important role in transferring and sharing knowledge. It adds value to the organisation....

Comments15919 . 129.00
Are you Self Aware
Are you Self Aware

Self-awareness is much more than introspection or reflection....

Comments 18532 . 99.00

How Not to Choke Under Pressure
How Not to Choke Under Pressure

We face numerous challenging situations where we choke and appear clueless for the appropriate response....

Comments 9552 . 129.00
Leadership skills, which 90% leaders lack
Leadership skills, which 90% leaders lack

We just cannot blame managers because, they hardly get trained at “people management”, which is the basis of leadership....

Comments 27247 . 129.00
Label your Emotions
Label your Emotions

The first step in handling emotions is identifying your emotions and labelling or naming them correctly...

Comments14468 . 129.00
High Emotional Intelligence  Is it good enough for you
High Emotional Intelligence Is it good enough for you

There is more to high EQ than Sociability, Likability and Attitude....

Comments 13562 . 125.00

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