

Target Audience


Management Strategy Tools and Techniques

Whom ?

Business Leaders,CEOs,Trainers

Why ?

Achieve Business, Organization, Individuals, Objectives/ Goals
You Got to Finish what you Started
You Got to Finish what you Started

Learn how to finish tasks you take up....

Comments 4634 . 99.00
Coping With The New Normal
Coping With The New Normal

The challenges due to COVID19 are definitely different. How are you navigating your company amidst this crisis?...

Comments 5779 . 79.00
Managing Peoples Growth Rather than Managing them
Managing Peoples Growth Rather than Managing them

Create the right environment & support the growth of your team so that it will be led by the right emotions to achieve goals &...

Comments11251 . 49.00
Smartcuts Not Shortcuts
Smartcuts Not Shortcuts

Make smart moves that are not shortcuts but smartcuts...

Comments 5363 . 199.00

Employee Mindset v/s Ownership Mindset
Employee Mindset v/s Ownership Mindset

But how is this transformation possible?...

Comments 8697 . 149.00
Are You Lucky ? Check Here
Are You Lucky ? Check Here

Step-by-Step guide along with examples of how to move towards success and make your own luck....

Comments 10430 . 129.00
The Myth of 80 -20 Principle
The Myth of 80 -20 Principle

The Pareto principle or the 80-20 rule says that 80% of results come from just 20% of efforts....

Comments11277 . 129.00
Are you futuristic or future ready?
Are you futuristic or future ready?

be future ready without becoming too futuristic...

Comments 6818 . 149.00

10 Habits of a Successful Salesperson
10 Habits of a Successful Salesperson

So how great a salesperson are you? Let’s find out...

Comments 6103 . 125.00
Missed your Target this month -It is OK
Missed your Target this month -It is OK

Setbacks are a rule of life; an integral part you cannot avoid. Face them with self-empathy & courage....

Comments 11400 . 125.00
Learn the power of questioning to create value
Learn the power of questioning to create value

Asking questions plays an important role in transferring and sharing knowledge. It adds value to the organisation....

Comments15920 . 129.00
Do You Really Fit in a Startup? Check Here
Do You Really Fit in a Startup? Check Here

If you wish to work for a start-up, understand what is in store for you before taking a leap into the exhilarating journey. Do yo...

Comments 10399 . 99.00

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